
tecumseh poem

The Tecumseh Poem

Today I stumbled across the Tecumseh poem and have enjoyed learning more about this iconic leader.

Chief Tecumseh was a Native American Shawnee warrior, rising to power in the early 19th century.

Since his death in 1813, he’s become somewhat of a folk hero. Click here to read more.

control your thought

Control Your Thought, Master Your Existence

Are you the master of your mind or unsure how to control your thought process?

Let’s face it…

Many of us are slaves to our thoughts, pushed and pulled at their every whim.

Deep down we know what we want to do with our health, careers and relationships, but no sooner have we decided than our thoughts hijack the controls, introducing fear and doubt.

In this article, we’ll look at the importance of observing your mind and what you can do to control your thought.

darth vader - change your story

How to Change Your Story (and Transform Your Life)

What stories do you tell yourself?

Are they empowering, uplifting tales that motivate you…

Or do you routinely cast yourself as a baddy or in a minor role?

The truth is that stories are immensely powerful.

So, the question is…how can we use them to improve our lives?

wim hof breathing and cold therapy method

The Wim Hof Breathing and Cold Therapy Method Distilled

Want to strengthen your immune system with some simple, but effective, Wim Hof breathing and spine-chilling therapy?

The Iceman, as he’s famously known, is famous for setting numerous Guinness World Records by utilising breathing and cold therapy exercises.

Not only has he climbed Everest in nothing but his shorts, but also swum the length of a football field, beneath a sheet of ice, on one breath.

Check out how he does it in this article…

goal setting worksheet for a runner

8 Powerful Goal Setting Worksheets to Help You Conquer Life

So, you have some audacious dreams and you think a goal setting worksheet may help…

Perhaps you’ve played around with the idea of setting objectives before but have always written it off as too much work.

Instead, you float, pushed and pulled by circumstance, adrift in the sea.

Now don’t get me wrong. Sometimes we should go with the flow and see where life takes us. There’s a time for spontaneity and surrender.

But eventually, there comes a time when structured goal setting can really help.

30 day challenges

30-Day Challenges: The Ultimate Guide (Plus 27 Bonus Ideas)

Are you taking the easy path in life, relaxing in your comfort zone?

Or are you living a life of experiment and excitement?

Perhaps you have certain goals that are never accomplished…

You know that you need to take action but get overwhelmed by the enormity of the task and are unsure where to start…

Well, say hello to 30-day challenges.

achieve your goals checklist

Want to Achieve Your Goals? Focus on the Feeling

Growing up, I’d always been extremely active, playing sport and embracing a movement-based lifestyle.

However, my activity levels deteriorated when I went to university, and along with it, the peace of mind that inevitably results from working out.

how to deal with loneliness

How to Deal With Loneliness: A Simple Guide

Do you have close friends and loved ones and yet still not know how to deal with loneliness?

That aching, gnawing feeling, that despite the close proximity of other humans, you don’t have the emotional connection you need…

We’re a social species after all. From an evolutionary perspective, we’ve come to rely on each other, not just for physical backup, but for psychological support too.


Cracking the Morning Routine Code: The Secret of a Successful Daily Ritual

Do you make the most of your mornings?

My guess is maybe not.

Many of us wake up and immediately pick up the digital candy by our bed for an early morning mobile phone fix.

We check social media, browse messages and reply to emails, reacting to the online cacophony, all before our brains have even woken up.

It’s no wonder that we feel like we’re playing catch up for the rest of our day.

Surely there must be a better way? Well yes, you clever little dolphin. Yes, there is.

developing intuition

Developing Intuition in 3 Surprisingly Simple Steps

Don’t you wish you instinctively knew what to do with your life?
For most of us, deciding what to do with ourselves is like trying to find a black cat in a dark room.
We fumble around and generally get frustrated.
In contrast, some people just seem to glide through life making one good decision after another. The cheek.
So, how do we be less like us and more like them?