5 Success-Defining Books Like Range

We all want to succeed in our chosen pursuit or profession.

Many assume that the key to this success lies in specialization.

David Epstein, in his bestselling book, Range, argues otherwise…

A position that certainly resonates with me based on my interest in the polymath mindset.

If you found such a read addressing the pursuit of mastery compelling, you might enjoy these 5 other books like Range.

Books Like Range

1. The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle

The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle explores the science and psychology behind achieving excellence.

He draws on research from neuroscience and other fields to argue that we all possess an innate ability to develop talent with effort and practice.

This book shows readers how to identify their current level of skill, recognize when they are developing a “talent code”, and take steps towards mastering any particular skill.

He introduces the concept of “deep practice,” which is about forming strong neural pathways in the brain that become ingrained with repetition.

Coyle then explores how these pathways lead to proficiency in any activity.

Through examples from the world of elite sports, music, and artistry, Coyle encourages readers to challenge themselves beyond what they may think is possible and learn from mistakes in order to reach their full potential.

Personally, this book has provided me with invaluable lessons on how to develop my skills and abilities.

It has instilled within me the confidence to pursue my passions and achieve my goals through deep practice and effort.

2. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

In So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Cal Newport explores the myths surrounding the pursuit of success and happiness.

He examines the idea that following your passion might be counterproductive in achieving this goal and shows how this can lead to disappointment or frustration.

Newport offers an alternative approach, focusing on skill development as a pathway to success and career contentment.

He argues against expecting one job to fulfill every need, showing instead how collecting skills through deliberate practice can lead to true satisfaction.

He dispels the fiction that pre-existing interest guarantees success, advocating for a focus on developing knowledge and expertise instead.

This book has given me a new perspective on career success and how to achieve it, challenging the notion that following my passion will magically lead to fulfillment.

The idea of deliberate practice and skill acquisition presented in the material resonated with me, rather than relying only on pre-existing talent.

3. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell examines what makes successful people, organizations, and cultures different.

He looks at various success stories, such as Bill Gates and the Beatles, to explore how their backgrounds, upbringing, and environment all contributed to their accomplishments.

Gladwell argues that success is deeply entwined with a person’s natural gifts, but it is also heavily influenced by things that are outside of our control like family connections or where we were born.

Through vivid examples and thoughtful analysis, he explores how culture, opportunity, and timing influence success more than most people realize.

This book has reminded me to stay open to opportunities and become more aware of my surroundings, identifying how they may help or hinder me from reaching my goals.

It has helped me reframe my view of success, look beyond luck for potential pathways to achievement, and take responsibility for my own successes or failures.

4. Peak by K. Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool

In Peak, K. Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool explore the psychology and science of expertise.

They discuss how practice is the key to success, focusing on the 10,000-hour rule for mastering a skill or profession.

Additionally, they provide research-based strategies for developing any skill – from sports to professional pursuits – that can be applied successfully in any field.

Personally, this book has offered invaluable lessons about deliberate practice, patience and goal setting, providing me with concrete steps when striving towards a specific goal or pursuing excellence in a particular area.

From reading this book, I have gained greater insight into how anyone can achieve remarkable outcomes through hard work and perseverance.

5. Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin

Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin takes a deep dive into the idea of what makes people great at any skill or activity.

He argues that it is not an inherent, mysterious “talent” but rather an abundance of practice with specific thought processes and habits.

Through case studies and interviews, Colvin highlights how those who reach the highest levels of success do so through hard work and deliberate practice over long periods of time.

This book encourages readers to challenge themselves, seek feedback from peers and mentors, and embrace failure as part of their learning process to achieve greatness in whatever field they choose.

This book resonated deeply with me, encouraging me to view failure not as a negative but as part of the learning process that leads to success.

I highly recommend this book for anyone seeking to accomplish great things in their field or who wants to understand what it takes to become truly extraordinary.


If (like me) you have wide-ranging interests, you’ll find the arguments around the pursuit of excellence reassuring.

Gaining experience and expertise across a broad spectrum, along with hard work and deliberate practice, might just provide the exact ingredients necessary to excel.

So go forth and indulge that curiosity.