A nautical version of The Road, this novel has clearly borrowed cinematic cues from Water World (or maybe that’s just me).
Similar to most near-future dystopian titles, it’s pretty depressing in parts, because we’re currently seeing in real-time the seeds sown for our own destruction and one potential outcome.
By highlighting the precarious ecological precipice we face with climate change, perhaps this book is prophetic.
As the title suggests, the medium of destruction chosen by Montag is water, examining a world which has largely been submerged by rising sea levels.
That said, I’m also a bit weird and generally love apocalyptic tales, deriving curious pleasure imagining how the social order (and my place within it) would adjust overnight.
Those considered less worthy in the current corporate-economic machine would suddenly wield great power, combining practical skills with ruthless violence, themes explored throughout the story.
In a tale of love and loss, much of the novel focuses on the protagonist’s relationship with her two daughters, intimately exploring grief and regret.
Admittedly, I did struggle to relate to these topics, perhaps because I neither have children nor have suffered the same level of personal loss experienced by the mother.
In my opinion, this drove the character to make questionable decisions which, while providing the raw martial for the story arc and heightening tension, I struggled to comprehend when putting myself in a similar position.
I also struggled to identify with the overly emotive language used in select passages.
This may be due to my general aversion to Hollywood clichés and overblown emotions obstructing logical decision-making and rational action (yeah, I’m real fun at parties).
I think readers who’ve endured loss in their own life and resultant grief might more readily relate to the main character.
Despite these minor gripes, the writing was sound and the narrative well-structured, flowing nicely.
Overall, I enjoyed the read and as the book progressed, I motored through the pages to reach the finale.